Welcome to the website for St. Mary's Church of Pecatonica, the Roman Catholic church located in Pecatonica, Illinois, and covering portions of Winnebago and Stephenson Counties, including the municipalities of Pecatonica, Ridott (partially), Seward, and Winnebago.
Due to popular demand, a special 4:00 p.m. Vigil Mass will be celebrated in addition to the regular 5:30 p.m. Vigil Mass during the dark days of the year, also known as Central Standard Time, from November 9, 2024, through March 8, 2025. Depending on the attendance patterns for the two Masses during that time, and the preferences of those attending those Masses, we will determine what time or times work best for those attending those Masses as we seek to accommodate our Mass schedule to the needs of those who wish to participate in our Saturday Vigil Mass.
Thanks be to God and the prayers of many, the Illinois General Assembly did not call for vote during the "Lame Duck" session held January 4th through the 7th, SB3499, which would allow so-called "physician-assisted suicide" (or more euphemistically, "medical aid in dying") in Illinois. However, we must keep up the prayers and pay close attention to alerts in various media, as this bill could be called for a vote at any time.
Doctors and nurses should be saving people, not killing them or enabling them to kill themselves. Pray that this awful practice does not ever come to Illinois, because not only is it immoral, it will shape our culture to eventually treat people as "problems" to be "solved" by killing them (euthanasia) if they are unwilling or unable to do it themselves with the "help" of medical professionals (physician-assisted suicide). We don't want to go down that road, especially if it becomes acceptable in the eyes of many, as we may never be able to come back.
Starting June 11, 2023, the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ, also known as Corpus Christi, and continuing until Corpus Christi next year, the Catholic Church in the United States will emphasize our belief that Jesus Christ, while present to us in many ways, is uniquely, mysteriously, and miraculously present to us, body, blood, soul, and divinity, in the Blessed Sacrament, in Holy Eucharist.
Like some of the other foundational beliefs of the Catholic faith, the Eucharist is a mystery whose meaning can never be fully comprehended or exhausted. That Jesus wants us to receive him in reverence in truly Holy Communion with him, is an amazing thing, since in the grand scheme of things we are nothing and nobody except as loved into being by God, and sustained by God. Our Lord comes to us so that we might have life and have it more abundantly in this life and in the life to come.
Please make use of the opportunities of the coming year to draw closer to our Lord, especially by worthy reception of him in Holy Communion and by knowing the peace of his forgiveness of our sins in the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Allow him to transform and transfigure us to become other Christs, showing his goodness and mercy toward all those we can interact with in our little corners of space, time, and relationships. Let us be happy and help others to be happy, knowing the love of God poured out for us and into us, living in that love, and shining that love on everyone we meet.
To help us keep our database up to date so that we can serve you better, if you are someone who comes to church here at least once in awhile and have not already done so, please print out the parish registration form from the link below, fill it out, and either drop it off in the box designated for such forms under the table in the vestibule when you come to church here, mail it to St. Mary's Church, P.O. Box 656, Pecatonica, IL 61063, or scan it and email it to [email protected]. You can also do this if you are already registered, but some information has changed. God bless!
For some links on life matters, see the links below.